Wednesday, 13 February 2013

CorpGoth's Mid-Month Status Report: Love What You Do

Lovely Trystan in her blog This Is CorpGoth has given us an opportunity to tell about our career, school or other vocation. More precisely, what we love about what we do. Here is Trystan and other participants, go and check what they love about their careers!

I study Finnish literature at a university and I love it. Basically this means that I study theories and methods of literature studies in general, like in comparative literature, but I am to focus on developing my expertise on history of Finnish literature and the institutions that have an effect on it (like changes in the field of publishing, stipends for writers and so on).

I love reading fiction, I love studying those theories and especially I love how literature studies have changed the way I see the world. It is like I have these gogglers and I can see how our culture is full of conventional features that are actually from fictional literature.

And besides, in our examinations part of the books are fiction. For example I have read 12 children's and youths' books including Harry Potter and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the questions were like "tell us about the horror elements in Wonderland" and I got study-points for it. How cool is that!

At the moment I am doing my bachelor's thesis about a Finnish novel from the view-point of menippean satire and rhetorical devices. I could go on and on about it, but I must restrain myself. I just post a pic where are some of the theory books I am probably going to use.

In general, I strongly encourage people to read more fiction, it is fun and makes you see the world from a new angle, trust me!


  1. It must be great doing what you love. Funnily enough my man gave me the new horror Alice game for Valentine's. You should check it out!

    1. It is wonderful! (no pun intended.) :D My friend has it and I would buy it myself in a heart beat, if it was made for Wii also, because all I have besides Wii is windows and that version of the game has some technical difficulties every now and then. :/

  2. Excellent! I studied literature as an undergrad & in grad school (English lit) & really enjoyed it too. Thanks for sharing your status report.

    1. It was my pleasure, I really liked this month's status report, it made people think all those positive things in their lives that sometimes get forgotten. :)

  3. That sounds like a fascinating area of study - I'm envious! :o)

    1. Well, I'm envious for your taste and creativity in decorations, so I guess we are even. :D Besides, it is not as if your own future profession isn't something you like. I'm looking forward to those posts about it!

  4. Finnish is is such a great language, I certainly understand how you can work on that!

    1. It is, but so is Swedish, English and all other languages when they are used poetically. :) mostly Finnish literature is in Finnish now, but until 18th century it was mainly in Swedish (with occasional French and Germany) and we still have excellent Finnish-Swedish novelists who write on their mother tongue (Swedish).

      I actually don't study Finnish as a language, that is a different subject and I don't even have it as a minor. I get dizzy with all those partitives and other words! :D

  5. That's really cool that you're also studying the effect of publishing and writers' wages on literature. I was an English major and we never studied anything like that---and it's so important!
